The Cosmic Octave
The harmony between life and the cycles of the cosmos, rhythms, sounds, colours, atoms and essentially everything is the central theme at Planetware.

In 1978 Hans Cousto, a Swiss mathematician and musicologist discovered the natural law of the COSMIC OCTAVE as the link between different kinds of periodically occurring natural phenomena, such as the orbit of the planets, the weather, colors, rhythms and tones.
With use of the formula of the Cosmic Octave f . 2n ( = multiple doubling or halving of a certain frequency) Hans Cousto has transferred astronomical periods and molecular frequencies into tempo, tone and color frequencies.
For example the first-ever Cosmic Octave calculation:
The octave-tone of the earth's rotation:
Period: 1 synodic day
The period of the earth's rotation from a peak of the sun until it is at its highest again the next day:
1 day (24 hours . 60 minutes . 60 seconds = 86 400 seconds).
The frequency of the rotation of Earth
1 : 86 400 seconds = 0.000 011 574 Hz
(Hz = Hertz = cycle per second)
This frequency multiple doubled into the audible range
0.000 011 574 Hz x 224 = 194.18 Hz
(224 means 24-fold doubling).
The Planetary Frequencies
The following pages contain the script of the booklet "The Cosmic Octave Tuning Forks" by Hans Cousto.
The frequencies of Earth, Moon, the planets and Sun and their corresponding tones, tempos, colors, chakras and effects are described:

Earth' Day
194.18 Hz
Earth' Platonic Year
172.06 Hz
Moon, synodic
210.42 Hz
126.22 Hz
141.27 Hz
221.23 Hz
144.72 Hz
183.58 Hz
147.85 Hz
207.36 Hz
211.44 Hz
140.64 Hz
Other tones
Earth: Sideric day
Moon: culmination, Sideric month, Metonic cycle, Saros´ period, Moon knot, Apsidis rotation.
"The Cosmic Octave Tuning Forks" by Hans Cousto
Booklet with the contents of these pages as PDF for free.
Dwarf Planet
Asteroides, Trojans, Cenaturs and transneptunian objects
Table of the planets, sounds, colors and meters
Tuning Forks
Today the Cosmic Octave is the basis for many holistic applications. It is origin to natural planetary tones, which directly correlate to the earth's natural life frequencies. These are used for musical, meditative, or therapeutic purposes, for example, used in tuning fork tone acupuncture.
Tone acupuncture
Tone acupuncture is a beneficial deep cell massage at high frequencies to restore the body cells' natural resiliency. It permeates the entire body including inner organs, instantly resulting in deep relaxation and well being. Tuning forks can be self-applied at home, in the office, or during travel.
Tuning Forks: For information and mail-order please click here
Body Clock Tuning
The Earth day, the Earth year, and the lunar cycle are timers for internal biological rhythms in humans and animals. As our current way of life increasingly runs counter to our biological clock, research in this area has becoming increasingly significant. The branch of Life science that deals with the "internal clock" is Chronobiology (from ancient Greek chrónos 'time'). Click here for detailed information on the three chronobiologically related tuning tones and on sonopuncture with the corresponding tuning forks - with some examples of suitable body points for sonopuncture, which can be done intuitively, or in the sense of Traditional Chinese Medicine as an alternative to acupressure or acupuncture.
"The Cosmic Octave Tuning Forks"
A concise handbook for the meditative and therapeutic use of 20 cosmic tone frequencies. The brochure is part of various tuning fork sets. The content of this brochure is prepared on these websites.
Tuning data for the tones of the earth, moon, planets and sun
The times and frequencies of planetary cycles in different octaves:
Echo, Reverb and Loop times in milliseconds, tone frequencies, corresponding concert pitch frequencies, pitch bend and microtune data, tempos, pendulum lengths, color frequencies and wavelengths and on a second page each the tuning of the musical intervals.
Tuning data for Planets, Asteroids, Jupiter trojans, Centaurs, Transneptunians and Moons of the planets
Orbital period in days and years, tuning pitch frequency, corresponding concert pitch A and the deviation in +/-50 cent from 440 Hz, octave tempo in bpm (beats per minute).
"The Cosmic Octave - Origin of Harmony"
Book by Hans Cousto
The explorer of the formula of Cosmic Octave offers a unique survey of a new scientific view of the world where a direct relationship has been proven to exist between musical tones, colors and the vibrations of the universe. The natural formula of the Cosmic Octave makes it possible to openly demonstrate the direct relationship of astronomical data, such as the frequencies of planatery orbits, to architectural works, ancient and modern measuring systems, the human body, music and medicine. The book is widely published in Europe and now available through LifeRhythm, Mendocino, USA.