The Tones of the Seven Chakras
7th Chakra Sahasrar
172.06 Hz Platonic Year of the Earth
Supports cheerfulness and clarity of spirit
6th Chakra Ajna
221.23 Hz Venus
Balance between intellect and intuition
5th Chakra Vishudda
141.27 Hz Merkur
Supports intelligent communication
4th Chakra Anahata
136.10 Hz Earth-year / Om
Relaxing, soothing, balancing
3rd Chakra Manipura
126.22 Hz Sun
Advances the feeling of centering of the magic
2nd Chakra Svadisthana
210.42 Hz Moon, synodic
Supports erotic communication
1st Chakra Muladhara
194.18 Hz Earth-day
Dynamic, vitalizing

Chakra Tuning Forks
Seven tuning forks generating the seven planetary audio frequencies for tuning the seven chakras. At the Planetware-eShop the Chakra Tuning Forks are available in four different versions:
S (standard)
Splus (with an ergonomic grasp)
L (large)
Lplus (large with ergonomic grasp)